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About SSP2P

Kids with Capes

Parents need people who care about them and their children, who can be good listeners, who they can turn to for emotional support and well-informed advice and who they can call on for help in solving problems - SSP2P is the CONNECTION!

South Sound Parent to Parent was organized in 1987 by parents of children with disability and professionals who work with them. Services were made available to assist the families in adjusting to the extra demands of parenting a child with a disability or chronic illness. The group also recognized that parents of children with developmental disabilities or chronic illnesses could be a tremendous help to each other.

Parents of children with a disability or illness can offer each other something that other types of support cannot --- shared experiences. They are the only ones who truly understand what it feels like to have a child born with or develop a disability or illness.

It is important to encourage families that they are not alone, there are others out there who can relate with similar circumstances.

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Our Mission

All families caring for someone with a disability will receive the support and resources they need to feel empowered, encouraged and supported.

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