Early Supports
South Sound Parent to Parent is the Providing Agency for Early Support for Infants and Toddlers in Thurston, South Mason and Grays Harbor Counties (with the exception of the Olympia School District area). We offer a variety of professional services tailored to the individual needs of your family, including Family Resources Coordination and Direct Services for children, ages Birth to Three. Taking action early gives your child a chance to receive the appropriate therapy, giving him or her the best chance for positive outcomes in the future. The first three years of life are the most crucial period for a child's growth and development.
Early Support is a system of services that helps children from birth to three with developmental delays or disabilities. Services may also be provided to address the needs and priorities of the child’s family. Family-oriented services are meant to help family members understand the needs of their child and how to enhance their development.
The Early Support Team uses evidenced-based practices in their approach to supporting infants, toddlers, and their caregivers. These include: Natural Learning Environments and Natural Learning Opportunities, Caregiver Coaching, and Primary Service Provider Approach to teaming.
Click below to access the Early Support referral form
The primary service provider approach to teaming is used in early intervention to support families of infants and toddlers in achieving the outcomes established in the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). Using this approach, a team of professionals work together to provide assessment, intervention, consultation, and education in order to support children, families, and caregivers.

Once qualified for support services, your FRC/Home Visitor will help you proceed with options tailored to meet the child’s individual needs and may include:
Audiology or hearing services
Speech and language services
Counseling and training for families
Medical services
Nutrition services
Occupational therapy
Physical therapy
Transition: Part C/Part B
What happens when my child turns three?
A transition conference will be held at no more than 90 days from your child's third birthday. Once your child turns three, they will no longer receive early intervention services through their IFSP.
Your child will complete their age of three evaluation and, if eligible, will transition from the birth to three program to the school district or other appropriate service. Transition is the process of moving from birth to three services to the “services, people, places, and activities” appropriate for your child’s development at age three.
CONTACT: Jim Smith MA, SPED; MA Admin
Transition Coordinator
T: 360.352.1126
564.225.2506 Google Voice