Growing Learners
Welcome to Growing Learners preschool program at South Sound Parent to Parent's Thurston County location!
Growing Learners provides a nurturing and caring environment with continued supports for children ages 3-5, who do not qualify for developmental preschool and are not ready for traditional community preschool. The curriculum includes working with children on writing skills, spelling, literature, letter and word recognition, simple addition, subtraction and number recognition, sign language, social skill building through play, group activities, art, fine motor skills and more! An evidence-based curriculum, The Learning Box, is used to enrich your child’s early learning experience and bloom their love for learning.
Growing Learner’s school program is open from September to August and follows the North Thurston School District Calendar for holiday breaks, apart from summer vacation. Each new school year begins in September and starts the same day as the North Thurston School District. A classroom calendar is provided on the last day of each month that outlines activities and closures for the upcoming month.
CLASS SCHEDULES/Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of each week
3-year-old CLASS: 4–5-year-old CLASS:
9:30am to 12:00pm 1:00pm to 3:30pm
Growing Learners enrollment is by referral through the South Sound Parent to Parent Early Supports for Infants and Toddlers program or Developmental Preschool program. Children are not required to be toilet trained to participate in the Growing Learners.
To find out more information, please reach out to Growing Learners Teacher, Courtney Yeager,
or Early Intervention Coordinator, Danielle Gardner for more information.